Credit card has become very prevalent these days. We hardly find a person who does not know about credit cards. As a matter of fact, credit card has made it easy for people with a lack of money to spend money on the things they want. However, the payment made through a credit card is required to be repaid.
Repayment of the credit card payment is made when the bank tells the credit card user about the money, he has spent using a credit card. The credit card user should not rely on the bank to tell him about the money he has to pay back. If he uses the credit card use log, he will be able to calculate how much he has spent using a credit card.
What is a credit card use personal log?
A credit card use log is a simple spreadsheet log that is used to keep track of the number of times the credit card is used in a specific period. Anyone using the credit card use log can easily keep track of all the credit card accounts easily.
The main purpose of using the credit card log is to keep track of all the purchases that are made using a credit card. The credit card log lets the user enter the details such as the date on which he makes the purchases, the amount paid through the credit card, transaction fee, remaining balance, balance at the start and at the end of the period, and much more. When the user enters all these details, he becomes aware of his purchases and this does not leave any doubt.
The log template
Credit card use log templates can be downloaded from here. The user can easily customize the template in order to convert it into a document, which is highly useful for him. Using this credit card log template, the user of the card can ensure that he is not being paid extra by the bank.
If the bank sends the credit card bill with the wrong purchasing details and thus asks the customer to pay more, the customer can take the credit card use log with him to the bank to let the bank know about the right credit card usage details.
Using the credit card tracker effectively?
Using the credit card use log requires the user to remember some basic guidelines. Some of the key guidelines are
- Remember to enter the purchases made through the credit card regularly in the log. This will keep the log up to date
- Since the credit card use log calculates the total balance of the customer itself, the customer is only required to input the details about his purchase. Any person who wants to save time by not calculating the total balance, again and again, should use the credit card use log template.

[.xls] Excel File: 35 KB
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